Thursday, August 30, 2012


I follow this one blog called Goins, Writer by a guy called Jeff Goins. He's a writer, and a good one at that, and on his blog he writes in a way to help other writers. Tribes is one thing he talks about a lot.

Never before had I thought of the people who might read my writing or listen to what I have to say as a tribe. Everywhere else you look on the web you see the people who pay attention to you being called followers. Like the follow you around as though they're lost puppies, or people who just can't seem to get you off their minds. And then there's Facebook which calls them friend when often they're people you barely know who really don't care what you have to say. So I have to say I certainly like the idea of a tribe. It doesn't sound like stalking, and it doesn't sound like you're trying desperately to please everyone. It sounds more like we're in this together. It's a group, a team, an understanding.

So whether people flock to listen to what I have to say, or trickle in over decades or if I never have more then two people who are remotely interested this is my tribe. This is where I will speak, and allow myself to be heard, or not. (that part is really up to you).

So welcome, welcome to Pride and Pen. Where it's not just about me and my writing, but about us. Because I want to hear from you as well.

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